Springing ahead, with a heavy heart

Most years, when the evening sky begins to come a whisper later, the sun starts to shine just a little warmer, and the first intrepid daggers of green break free from the cold ground, I could almost instantly feel my mood shift and my outlook turn slightly skyward. Thoughts of sprouting radishes and asparagus, and peas began to occupy my mind just as the steady thrum of kale and root vegetables and butternut squash and cabbage had begun to feel claustrophobic. This year the first signs of spring feel like the clumsy and bombastic entrance of an actor stepping on stage in the wrong theater, for the wrong performance.

As global events continue to draw our attention to inequity, inhumanity and destruction, and peace and joy feel like smoke dissipating into the vast sky after the warming fire has gobbled up its last morsel of wood, I am seeking to double down on supporting, connecting, and nourishing the community in whatever small ways I can. My medium is food and cooking, and I will be incorporating community support and engagement into my work in a more direct way. Each month, a portion of the proceeds from the use of my chef services will be donated to Gowanus Mutual Aid, with a minimum commitment of 5%. Additionally, beginning in May of 2022, I will begin offering free virtual cooking classes on a monthly basis, as well as live classes as Covid safety allows.

Please join me in my efforts to support our neighbors if you are able, by donating material resources or time resources to a mutual aid group in your area.

In Brooklyn:








Rachel Weaber